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Enjoy, Relax, have fun.

SACC Eastern Cape Image of Flag

About SACC Eastern Cape

The SA Camping Club comprises very ordinary people from diverse walks of life and occupations who enjoy the outdoors, camping either in tents or caravans. Camping is always fun, relaxing and enjoyable, but camping with a group of like-minded friends is even better, and also adds that 'extra little bit of security'. The Club organises monthly rallies to resorts within an hour or two driving from Port Elizabeth, but we do try and take advantage of long weekends and school holidays, and could relax this rule and go further afield.
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As we are a family Club, activities and events arranged for the weekend are informal and without obligation - for fun, you take part or watch - but for rest and enjoyment, you do your own thing!!
The SACC was established in Natal in 1964 due to the banning of tent campers from parks and resorts nationally. The need for an organised body to set and control standards for tent campers became necessary, in order for them to become acceptable by such parks and resorts. The Club was obviously started to cater for tent campers only, caravans were initially taboo. But as the years passed, the young members became a little older, and there was a need to accept the reality of the times, so caravans were given the green light. Today it is tents and mobile whatsits in all Sections of the Club, namely KwaZulu Natal, Western Cape, Eastern Cape and Gauteng.
What are the qualifications to join the Club?
Basically - an attitude of being happy with your fellow beings, and an enjoyment of outdoor life.
Membership is limited - so as to keep the club as intimate as possible.
We expect you to attend three rallies with us, with your own camping equipment, and to comply with the campers code of conduct.
After three rallies, the Committee will decide if membership will be granted.
Likewise you will also decide if you fit in, and are happy to join the Club.
Members are encouraged to assist over a weekend in arranging activities, preparing fires for communal braais and even the hosting of a weekend.
Membership is currently R250.00 per annum with a R100.00 registration fee.
We charge an extra R30.00 per camp over and above the weekend campsite fees, which covers the cost of firewood and a rally badge.

More About Us!

Camps reached by some members!
All Weather Camping
Campers Code

Meet The Committee



Gavin Johannie

Committee Members

Leon & Zelda Landman

Committee Members

Louis & Bella Beukes

Committee Member

Tracy Vermaak


Members: Number of Camps as of Feb 2024





Halket T&F
























Halket D














Halket D&C






De Jager



Notices & Reports


Jan 2024 Willows Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
Feb 2024 Van Stadens Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
Mar 2024 Jeffreys Bay Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
Apr 2024 Gamtoos Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
May 2024 inniKloof Gavin & Petru’s 200th - CLICK HERE
Jun 2024 Green Fountain Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
Jan 2023 Van Stadens Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
Feb 2023 Sitrusoewer Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
Mar 2023 Jeffreys Bay Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
Apr 2023 Medolino Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
May 2023 Willows Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
June 2023 Innikloof Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
July 2023 Nieshoutkloof Ralley Notice - CLICK HERE
August 2023 Wacky Woods Ralley Notice - CLICK HERE
September 2023 AGM - Mystery Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
October 2023 Gamtoos Ferry Rally Notice - CLICK HERE 
November 2023 Pearson's Park Rally Notice - CLICK HERE 
December 2023 Sitrusoewer Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
Jan 2022 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
Feb 2022 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
Mar 2022 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
Apr 2022 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
May 2022 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
June 2022 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
July 2022 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
August 2022 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
September 2022 AGM Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
October 2022 Mystery Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
November 2022 Gamtoos Ferry Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
December 2022 Nieshoutkloof Rally Notice - CLICK HERE

Jan 2021 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
Feb 2021 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
March 2021 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
April 2021 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
May 2021 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE 
June 2021 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE 
August 2021 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE 
September 2021 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
September Square Peg - 44th AGM - Willows 2021 - CLICK HERE
October 2021 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE
November 2021 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE 
December 2021 Rally Notice - CLICK HERE

Download Square Peg 2020 HERE


Constitution - Introduction

Membership is confined to the Territorial Boundaries of the Republic of South Africa.

The Aims of the South African Camping Club

(a)  To encourage the pursuit of outdoor living by means of camping and kindred activities. To enable people to use the country, thus promoting their health, spiritual welfare, education, as well to help all enjoy to the full their country’s heritage of space and beauty,

(b)  To protect the interest of accredited campers,

(c)  To obtain and make available information relating to camping sites, parks, etc.,

(d)  To encourage the development of camping equipment and to make such information available to members,

(e)  To maintain a high camping standard, which shall be observed by all members,

(I)   To sponsor meetings and exhibitions to promote camping as a sport and a recreation,

(g)  To co-operate with foreign organisations having similar aims,

(b) To encourage camping as a family pursuit,

(i)   To promote all forms of purposeful camping through field studies, sporting holidays and similar means,

(j)   To preserve the ecology and natural beauty of the South African countryside,

(k)  To assist the Government of the day in the preservation of sites and landmarks of national  and historical interest, including the enforcement of all laws protecting Nature and its environments.


3.   The Club shall consist of territorial Sections in various parts of the Republic of South Africa and a National Committee. The composition and duties of the aforementioned are defined in the following clauses of this Constitution.

4.   A National Committee shall only be convened when considered necessary, by a majority request of Section Committees, to attend to urgent matters of national concern relating to the South African Camping Club.

A National Committee shall consist of two representatives appointed by each Section, one of whom shall be the Section Chairperson and the other a member appointed by the Section Committee. In the event of a Section Chairperson not being able to serve on a National Committee, the Section may nominate one of it’s Committee members to serve in his / her stead.

5.   The Sections concerned shall be responsible to arrange an appropriate venue for a National Committee meeting and each shall contribute towards their respective delegates traveling cost by own internal arrangement. A National Committee shall elect a Chairperson and a Secretary for the meeting from appointed delegates present. The Secretary shall submit minutes to all members of a National Committee within 14 days for approval and forward them to all Section Secretaries for distribution of notice to members.

6.   A National Committee shall be the only body authorised to recommend alterations and amendments to this Constitution. Before such alterations or amendments become effective, they shall be passed by a majority of 75 (seventy-five) percent of those present or represented at a National Committee meeting. Resolution having first been approved by a majority of Sections meeting at Annual General Meetings, at which a two thirds majority of those present shall be required for an alteration or amendment.

7    A National Committee may institute, conduct, defend, compound or abandon any legal proceedings by or against the Club, or it’s office bearers as it decides.

8.   A National Secretary shall be elected to oversee that protocols of the Club’s Constitution are adhered to nationally, and who shall interact and co-ordinate  with the secretarial commitments of the Sections, a National Committee, and preservation of records. A National Secretary maybe re-elected annually by the majority of Sections from a national nomination list at their A.G.MS.


9.     Each Section shall be distinguished by a local appellation, and shall control a specified area to be determined by mutual consent of other Sections.

10.   Each Section shall be controlled by a Committee, herein after  referred to as the/a Section Committee, consisting of a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer and not less than one other member. Three members shall form a quorum.

11.   Each Section shall be autonomous and shall have authority to act within the limits and parameters of this Constitution, except functions reserved for, and the authority of, a National Committee.

12.   Each Section shall by choice be entitled to grant Club membership to any person, subject to the rules and conditions herein stated, and be responsible for the adherence of it’s members to the Club’s required standards of camping equipment, conduct and Camping Codes.

13.   Each Section shall be responsible for collecting its own determined entrance and membership tees (annual subscriptions) and financial administration.

14.   The Financial Year shall be from 1 July to 30 June in each year.

15.   The Section Committee shall be entitled to appoint sub-committees of any number of members and for any purpose and to delegate to sub-committees such powers as it deems desirably, and to dissolve these sub-committees. The Section Committee shall be entitled to co-opt not more than two (2) members per Section Committee to serve on any committee or sub-committee, and the Section Committee shall be entitled to fill by co-option any vacancy caused on any Section Committee by resignation or death, until the next Annual General Meeting.

16.   A Section Committee may allow the appointment of a Teenage Committee, comprising of the children of members of the Section, such children to be between the ages of 13 (thirteen) and 18 (eighteen) years of age. A Teenage Committee shall elect a chairperson, secretary and treasurer and shall comprise of not less than four (4) members including the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. The election of a Teenage Committee shall be dealt with at the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the procedures laid out for the election of a Section Committee.

Annual and General Meetings

17.   A Section Annual General Meeting shall be held within 60 (sixty) days of the end of the Financial Year, at such time and place as the Section Committee may determine, members shall be given at least 21 (twenty-one) days written notice to attend.

18.   A Section Committee may at any time call a Special General Meeting of members, by giving not less than 14 (fourteen) days notice in writing specifying the motivation and objectives for which the meeting is to be held, and the time and venue for such a meeting. A Section Committee shall, in a like manner, call a Special General Meeting upon receipt of a requisition signed by not less than 10 (ten) members of a Section entitled to vote, provided that if there are more than 50 (fifty) members entitled to vote in a particular Section, the requisition shall be signed by not less than 20 (twenty) percent of such voting members.

19.   The omission to send notice to any members of a meeting timeously, shall not invalidate such a meeting. Notice Of any resolution to be proposed at the Annual General Meeting, other than normal business, must be lodged with the Secretary at least 2 (two) months before the meeting and must be included by the Section Secretary in the agenda sent to members.

20.   No resolution passed at a General Meeting shall be rescinded expect by a majority of two thirds present and voting at a subsequent General Meeting specially convened. A quorum at all General Meetings oI Sections shall be 10 (ten) members entitled to vote.

21.   Section Committees shall meet directly after their A.G.Ms (August) to p1an  urgent actions and duties, November, February, May and July ( prior to A.G.M.). Minutes shall be recorded and posted in 14 days to all Section Secretaries and the National Secretary.

22.   The members of a Section Committee shall retire annually and shall be eligible for re-election without special nomination. If the nominations for election, together with those standing for re-election, fall short of the number required, the persons shall be declared elected. For the remaining vacancies, nominations shall be called from voting members present at the Annual General Meeting.

23.  Nominations for the posts of Section Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer and members of the Section Committee for the following year, duly proposed and seconded and with the written consent of the nominees, shall be lodged with the Secretary 30 (thirty) days before the Annual General Meeting. Section members shall be advised of their names and pending nominations in time for the Annual General Meeting.

24.   The chair at all meetings shall be taken by the Chairperson, or in his / her absence by the Vice Chairperson, provided that if for any reason neither of those two office bearers are able to be present at a meeting, a Committee member elected by the Committee members present, may chair the meeting.

25    The business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting shall be -
(a)    To confirm the Minutes of the previous General Meeting,
(b)    To receive and consider the Committee’s report and the statement of accounts of the previous financial year,
(c)    Elect a Committee for the forthcoming year,
(d)   Elect a nominated member capable of being National Secretary, as in clause 8,
(e)    To appoint an auditor for the financial records of the Section,
(f)     To deal with any resolution concerning the affairs of the Section, of which due notice has been given and such other business concerning the affairs of the  Club that is brought under consideration by the report of the Committee.

26.   The Chairperson may with the consent of the meeting,  bring forward without previous notice, any business he / she considers requires urgent attention or action by the members of a Section.

27.   Every matter submitted to a meeting shall be decided by a show of hands, the Chairperson having a casting vote. No member whose annual subscription is in arrears shall be competent to vote. A ballot on any matter before the meeting may be taken of the members present and entitled to vote.

28.  Audited copies of Balance Sheets, plus Revenue and Expenditure Accounts must be presented annually by Section Committees, for inspection and approval by all members attending their respective Annual General Meeting.

29.   True copies of all relevant documentation and the Minutes of Annual General Meetings of Sections shall be forwarded to all Section Chairpersons and Section Secretaries and the National Secretary within 30 (thirty) days from the date of the A.G.M..


30.   In the event of any dispute arising between a Section and a Club member, a Section Committee may take decision, that it considers proper, or as the case may be, of any Special or General Meeting of the Section, shall be final, precluding any appeal to law.

31.   No member may make use of the name- of the Club or it’s address or emblem in any advertisement, or in any Court of Law, or for any business matters whatsoever, without the prior authority of a National Committee.

32.   The Club shall not be responsible for accidents or injuries to members or other persons attending a rally or their property during Club rallies, meetings or personal or group activities. Nor loss and damage of equipment and vehicles.

33.   A new Section may be formed only with conditional consent of a national consensus from all Sections. The new Section may appoint a provisional committee of not less than 3 (three) persons to hold office until such time as a Section Committee comes into being in terms of this Constitution.

34.   Any member who desires to transfer from one Section to another shall, on acceptance by the latter Section, be exempt from further entrance fee, though a member belonging to more than one Section shall have the right to vote in the Section the member elects as his/ her home Section for any one year.

35.  Trustees of Club property, applicable to each Section, shall be the Section Chairperson and Secretary or Secretary I Treasurer of each Section. An inventory of property shall be made and checked at each Section’s A.G.M.

36.   All Sections shall insure that every Club member has a copy of the Club’s Constitution. Every new member must receive a copy when obtaining membership. It is essential that members are acquainted with procedures and

rules. Sections shall donate such copies free of charge. Section Committees shall pay on order, copies per language group, which they require for members and allow for a minimum 20% stock. The National Secretary shall arrange for the printing to insure standardisation at predetermined cost.

37.   A Section must insure that all its members are issued with Club identification cards, annually renewable on payment of membership subscription. It is desirable that cards are of approved quality, design and standard for national recognition on presentation.


38.   The Membership of the Club shall consist of: ---

(a)  Honorary Members,

(b)  Honorary Life Members,

  (c)  Ordinary Members,

(d)   Family Members,

(e)   Associate Members.


(a)  A Honorary Member shall be a person who, by reason of his/ her holding public office, or by reason of the service he I she is rendering to the Club, shall be entitled to all privileges of the Club without payment of fees or annual subscription, but shall have no voting rights, nor be eligible for membership of a Section Committee.

(b)  A Honorary  Life member shall be one who, by reason of the service he I she has rendered the Organisation, has been elected to Honorary Life membership, provided that an Honorary Life member must previously have been an Ordinary member or Family member of the Club. Honorary Life members shall be entitled to all privileges of the Club without payment of fee or annual subscription and shall have voting rights and be eligible for membership of the Section Committee.

(c) An Ordinary member shall be any person of the age of 18 (eighteen) years and upwards.

(d)  A Family member shall be a person of the age of 18 (eighteen) years and upwards his (her spouse and any dependent children.

(e)  An Associate member shall be an individual who supports the Club, it’s aims and objectives without active participation as a camper. Associate members shall have no voting Rights, nor shall they be eligible for membership of a Section Committee.

39.  Ordinary members and Family members, excluding dependent children, shall have full voting rights and be eligible for election to the Section Committee.

40.   Every prospective member shall undertake to - - -

(a)  To pay the Club during his / her membership, such fees and annual subscription as the Section Committee may decide on.

(b)  Observe the rules of the Club, and the Club’s Code for Campers.



  41. A candidate for election as a member, other than an Honorary or Honorary Life    member, shall be proposed in writing by a member of the Club and seconded by       another, and the subscriptions of the proposer and seconder must be fully paid      up. The application form shall be signed by the candidate, his / her proposer and      seconder, and shall contain such particulars as a Section Committee may               determine from time to time. The Section’s entrance fee and current year subscription, must accompany the application form, which will be refunded should the candidate’s application not be accepted.

  42. Membership of any applicant shall be considered by the Sectional Committee provided that, the equipment of such applicant is of a standard acceptable to the Section Committee, and after a probation period of at least 2 (two) rallies has been camped and attended.

  43.  The names of candidates applying for membership shall be circulated to Committee members at the meeting at which such applications are to be considered.

  44. The acceptance of any candidate as an Ordinary Member or Family Member shall be by ballot of the Section Committee and all present shall vote. Any candidate shall be refused membership if there are 2 (two) adverse votes.

  45. Should any application be rejected the Committee shall not be bound to supply reasons for such rejection.

  46. If at any time after the acceptance of a candidate as a member, it appears that he / she has been accepted as a member as a result of misrepresentation for which he/she is responsible, the Committee may, within 2 (two) months of discovery of the true facts, and after giving such member an opportunity to give an explanation that he / she may so wish, has the power to cancel such membership and such former member shall have no claims of any kind against the Club.


47.         Any member introducing a guest to the Club will be held responsible for the conduct of his I her guest.

48.         No member shall, at any time, introduce as guest, any person who has been expelled, or invited to resign from the Club.

Entrance Fee & Annual Subscription

49.   The Entrance Fee shall be determined by each Section Committee from time to time, per Ordinary Member or per family, payable on application for membership

50.   The Annual Subscription shall be fixed by each Section Committee. Members joining between August and June will pay the entrance fee on a pro rata basis of the current year’s subscription..

51.  Subscription shall be payable on the first day of the new financial year in each and every year, and should the subscription payable by any member still be outstanding 3 (three) months after the beginning of the new financial year, a Section Committee shall be entitled to remove the name of such a defaulting member from the role of members.

52.   A Section Committee may make provision for an allowance of fee payable by members of other camping / caravan clubs granting reciprocal privileges and in granting membership to a person who is already a member of another Section, may make allowance for-the fee payable by such a person.


53.    Should any member, in the opinion of a Section Committee, commit any breach of the rules of the Club, or the Clubs Camping Code, a Section Committee shall have the following powers: -- -

(a)    To call upon such member in writing to appear before the Section Committee and there explain his / her conduct.

(b)    To call upon such member to resign, and if he / she fails to resign within seven days, to expel such member.

(c)    In the event of any person ceasing to be a member, the said member shall not have the right to a refund of any contribution, subscription or fees paid by him / her to the Club.

54.    A Section Committee’s decision in respect of any matter of discipline shall be final.

55.    A member may at any time resign by giving notice to a Section Committee in writing. He / she remains liable for the annual subscription or debts that may be due at the date of his / her resignation to the Club.

Camping Code


Obtain the rules and regulations from the owner or authority in charge of a camping venue, park or resort, on arrival. Understand the requirements and adhere thereto.


Be courteous to all people, local and in authority. Respect the privacy of others.Your conduct will influence the reception of those campers who will follow and the integrity of the camping movement of the South African Camping Club !


No structure of any kind, other than bona fide camping equipment is acceptable. Items of furniture and equipment used shall generally be of the type and design for camping or outdoor use. Members must maintain their equipment in a clean, serviceable condition and the equipment should be of a pleasing appearance in accordance with the Club’s required standards of camping.


First obtain park owner’s permission before trenching due to inclement weather. Turf sods and earth must be carefully removed and replaced when striking camp.


The cutting of initials or throwing of knives at the bark and the breaking of branches of trees, shrubs is not allowed. Do not damage or destroy fauna, flora or crops.


Each camper must keep his / her site tidy, placing all refuse in the receptacles provided. On striking camp the site must be clean. All bottles removed, and the
greatest care taken that these are never broken and left lying about at any time.


Trespassing on land adjacent to camp sites is forbidden.The mode of dress must not give offence to other campers or local residents.


Children under the age of 18 may camp only in the charge of a parent or otherapproved and responsible person.


The mode of dress must not give offence to other campers or local residents


No person suffering therefrom may camp on authorised sites.


No pets or animals of any kind are permitted, except birds in authorised cages.


Radios, hi-fi  equipment and musical instruments must cause no nuisance to other campers, excessive volume should be avoided at all times. There shall be no loud talking or noise in camps between 22:00 and 7:00 hrs.


Vehicles must be parked as indicated at organised sites. Indiscriminate and carelessdriving is forbidden.